
Completing the Online Form: What information we need to know

You can access the online form here.

Please note there is no facility to save the form. We strongly advise you collate the information requested below in advance of completing the online form.

Please contact if you have questions or technical problems accessing the form. 

Q1. Contact details:  You will be asked to provide your full name, position/role in the organisations, address and contact number. We require the name of the day to day contact for the project/funding request and, if different, the name of a responsible individual with authority to sign agreements/contracts on behalf of the organisation(s). 

Q2. Organisation Details: Please provide full details of your organisation, including name, legal status (Charity, CIO etc), address, postcode. If relevant registered charity number.

Q3. Due Diligence: In order to minimise fraud and ensure we undertake our due diligence checks we will require confirmation that:

  1. Your organisation is willing to provide a recent bank statement containing the organisations name, address and bank account to where successful grant payments will be made. We may also ask for confirmation of appropriate policies (such as safeguarding). 
  2. Willingness to sign a funding agreement. Please note, at this stage you are not being asked to accept the terms and conditions of a funding agreement. Simply that you are willing to sign one. Successful applications will receive a copy of the funding agreement which will be discussed and agreed on an individual project basis. 
  3. Your organisation is willing to promote MoMark as your project’s sponsor.
  4. You consent to MoMark storing and processing the information provided in this form.

Q4 . Project Information

  • Project Details – Please provide the name of your project and the key measurable objectives. MoMark understands that there are sometimes challenges in measuring benefits or objectives, for example due to challenges of hard-reach communities. If there are challenges with measuring objectives, please provide details here and how these might be addressed or identified in the project. Please also include details of partners or other sources of funding being used to deliver the project. 
  • We require information about the Intended Beneficiaries: Please describe who will benefit from the project. 
  • We will seek information about the Project Delivery. This will include the expected project start date and details of how the project will be implemented including key milestones. Please note that this information is to provide us with assurance of what will be delivered (and when) through the course of the project. The delivery of the milestone included here will form the basis of the funding agreement.
  • Project Costs: Confirmation of the total funding request and breakdown of costs. This should also include confirmation of whether funding is being sought or provided from other sources.
  • Payment Plan: MoMark will normally make the payment of the total grant funding in three instalments over a 12 month period. We will however consider alternative instalment plans on a case by case basis. If you require an alternative instalment agreement please provide details here and an explanation of why this is needed. 
  • Key Risks: Please provide details of the key risks and how these could or would be managed, of your project. Please note, a project with significant risks will not exclude projects from being successful but we would expect these to be identified. Please also outline the appropriate policies the organisation has in place.
  • Appropriate Policies and insurance – Please provide and confirm your organisation have appropriate policies in place (for example safeguarding or information governance – if appropriate or required to do so).
  • Additional Information: Please provide any further information not captured elsewhere in the form, about the project which you consider would further benefit MoMark’s understanding of your project. 

Please contact if you have questions or technical problems accessing the form.